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The Men’s Ministry of Community Bible Church is designed to help men grow in belonging and becoming brothers in Christ who reach other men for Christ. Our goal is to help each man become all that Christ created him to be at home, at work, and as a witness of Christ in this world.


Our Mission: To be 516 men.
Our Vision: To be men of prayer, men of integrity, men of initiative,
men of impact, men of praise.

Our Five Objectives:​
  1. Men of Prayer. Encourage men in the personal discipline of Bible study and prayer

  2. Men of Integrity. Encourage men in Spirit-filled holiness,  character development, and small group accountability.

  3. Men of Initiative. Encourage men to be leaders in their marriage, family, church, and community.

  4. Men of Impact. Encourage men to be active and effective in reaching other men and making disciples for Christ.

  5. Men of Praise. Encourage men to be joyful, thankful, and worshipful in all that they do, for Christ's glory! 

Men's Breakfast

Second Saturday of each month | 8 AM in Fellowship Hall

The Men's breakfasts welcome men of all ages and is a great opportunity to connect with other men.

Men's Retreat

This is a great opportunity for men to fellowship and spend time with the Lord.
This retreat typically happens once a year in the spring. More information to come in January of 2024.

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