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Cross Culture Apologetics conference:
Pursuing God's truth in a my truth world

June 21 - 22 | Friday, 6:30 - 8:30 PM & Saturday, 8:30 - 12 Noon | CBC Campus

Join us for an upcoming 2 day apologetics conference titled 'Cross Culture: Pursuing God's truth in a my truth world'. We will hear guest speaker Megan Almon discuss cultural issues, such as abortion, human identity, sexual ethics, moral relativism, and deconstructionism. Registration is $10 and can be done through either Paypal or Zeffy below. If you register through zeffy, please specify the correct amount and that you are donating for Cross Culture registration. If you would like to register in person, you can all our office (225) 924-1369.

Click either to register through paypal or through zeffy below:

About the guest speaker:

megan Almon

Megan has spoken to tens of thousands of individuals in the U.S. and abroad on cultural issues, such as abortion, human identity, sexual ethics, moral relativism, and deconstructionism. As a wife, mom, athlete, artist, avid reader, and teacher, she has a unique perspective that endears her to any audience. Megan was part of the 2002 SEC championship women’ s gymnastics team at the University of Georgia. She worked as an award-winning journalist until 2008, and was awarded a Master of Arts degree in Christian Apologetics from Biola University in 2011. Megan and her husband, Tripp, who serves with Summit Ministries, have been married since 2003 and have two children, Neely and Rogan. To learn more about Megan, visit

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